Deliverable 4.1: Spatial
representation of the just
sustainability transition policy
context in case study regions

Work package (WP) 4 ‘Setting the stage for participation: Mapping, visualization, and digitalization’ of the DUST project builds on research in WP2 and 3 and is oriented at preparing and supporting the participatory experimentation with citizens, policymakers, and experts - the Regional Futures Literacy Labs (RFLLs) - in WP5. The labs combine design-led territorial and digital instruments for more proactive and strategic involvement of least-engaged communities (LECs) in sustainability transition policymaking. Within WP4, Task 4.2 maps the policy context for the experiments in the four case study regions where the experiments will be carried out, namely Stara Zagora (BG), Lusatia (DE), Katowice (PL) and Norrbotten (SE). More specifically, the task foresees the impact of place-based just sustainability transition policy measures. This will later allow to contrast this projected impact with the impact of measures that are imagined by LECs, the development of policy statements on this base, and deliberating these statements using the e-democracy tool
The context mapping performed in Task 4.2 has been carried out to foresee the impact of ongoing and upcoming just sustainability transition measures in case study regions. A consistent and comprehensible spatial representation of impact is constituted via the use of an adapted version of the Territorial capital (TC) framework developed by Orsi et al. (2022)1 (for more information on this framework, see section ‘Territorial capital’). To achieve output, a Geographic information systems (GIS) application was used to create a geographic database that collects and combines data on the thematic key issues that are identified in relevant policy documents (for more information on creating this database, see Chapter 2 Methodology).
Task 4.2 drew on the results of Tasks 3.1, 3.2, and 5.2.1. Results of the task in the form of maps and other visualisations will feed into Tasks 5.2 and 5.3 to support participants' interaction in the RFLLs. This deliverable D4.1 is a living database, including a supportive table titled Territorial Capital Catalogue (TCC), which introduces the identified capitals across policies and categorizes them based on our adapted framework. The database will be complemented and transformed as interaction in the RFLLs proceeds.