Deliverable 6.1: DUST's Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation Plan

This deliverable is part of task 6.1 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan within Work Package 6 on Dissemination, communication and exploitation (CDE). The Plan outlines objectives and strategies for CDE throughout the project, as well as identifying stakeholders and target audiences, and defining project outreach and engagement activities with stakeholders in the DUST consortium and wider networks. The CDEP is guided by the concept of two-way affective communication, in which the deployment of CDE activities is related to ideas of social justice, considering the scope and approach of the project in dealing with the least-engaged communities in case-study regions. Through the detailed activities planned until the culminating M36 of the project, all Key-Performance Indicators (KPIs) relating to CDE are met. These activities are divided into three phases where the aim is to build audiences (Phase 1), amplify DUST experiments (Phase 2), and disseminate results beyond the project (Phase 3). This document is the first iteration of D6.1 delivered by M3. It will be updated at M12, M24 and finally M36
This deliverable has been submitted to the European Commission and is awaiting approval.